First Name | MATEJA |
Last Name | DOVJAK |
Academic degree | Assoc. Prof., PhD |
Professional degree | dipl. san. inž. |
Position | Lecturer and researched |
Office | UL FGG, 510 (5th floor) |
Telephone | +386 1 47 68 510 |
mateja.dovjak@fgg.uni-lj.si | |
ORCiD | http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4929-0232 |
ResearchGate | http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mateja_Dovjak |
Mateja Dovjak is deputy head, lecturer and researcher at KSKE (2007-). In 2006 she graduated at Faculty of Health Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Sanitary engineering (mentor prof. dr. Aleš Krainer) and received a Prešeren award. In 2012 she finished her PhD at Environmental Sciences postgraduate study program, University of Nova Gorica (mentor prof. dr. Aleš Krainer, prof. dr. Masanori Shukuya).
Research and pedagogic work: design of healthy, comfortable and sustainable buildings (ventilation and indoor air quality, thermal comfort, daylight, acoustics, ergonomics, universal design), content and emissions of hazardous chemicals in construction products according to CPR (EU) No 305/2011, REACH 1907/2006, CLP 1272/2008; building overall efficiency from thermal comfort and energetic point of view. Analysis of the relationship between external and internal air pollutants, building envelope characteristics and efficient ventilation.
Contribution to the novel research and development of new areas: Connective thinking approach: exergy analyses of thermal processes inside of the human body together with the processes in a building; Development of low-temperature heating and high-temperature cooling systems (LowEx systems) in buildings in order to achieve individual regulation of comfort and healthy conditions for the individual user of the space while simultaneously the minimum possible energy use, the application systems in the hospital environment, other interior environment. Examining the mutual relationship between external and internal pollutants, the building envelope and ventilation efficiency. Active cooperation with The IDEC Institute, PHIS, Hiroshima University Center for Holobiome and Built Environment (CHOBE), Hiroshima University, Japan; Laboratory of Building Environment, Tokyo City University; Technical University of Denmark, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Graz University of Technology (TU Graz); Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology, TU Graz. Project leader BI-JP/23-25-002: Role of environmental parameters on microbial community structure in buildings in Slovenia and Japan. Organiser: International Hybrid Workshop Between the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana and PHIS, The IDEC Institute, Hiroshima University: Interactions between physical parameters, chemical pollutants, and microbes in the built environment, 9. January 2023. Congress Chair: 10th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, 20. – 21. September 2023, Izola, Slovenia.
Member of editorial board (AJEEPR, CAIER, IJET, IJSER) and reviewer (Energy, Applied Energy, Building and Environment, Energy Policy…).
Project participation: AWARD, EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, Leonardo da Vinci; CosteXergy Project, Cost Action C24; MARIE – MED Agreement IS-MED10-002; TIGR – P13.; Hrup v vrtcu – osveščanje otrok, vzgojiteljev in staršev-169-19/2012.
Membership in professional and scientific associations: ISES, COST Action C24, COSTeXergy, P2―0158 Gradbene konstrukcije in gradbena fizika; Slovenska matica; SIST/TC STV Steklo, svetloba in razsvetljava v gradbeništvu. Slovenian Acoustical Society President. Slovenian Association of Technical and Natural Sciences (SATENA).
Completed teaching and research activities, agreed in the Mobility Agreement (Mobility of teachers at the University of Ljubljana, co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Social Fund) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology (2019), The IDEC, PHIS, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Japan. President of the Slovenian Acoustical Society (SDA).
Selected bibliography
DOVJAK, M, VIRANT, B, KRAINER, A, ŠIJANEC-ZAVRL, M, VAUPOTIČ, J. Determination of optimal ventilation rates in educational environment in terms of radon dosimetry. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 2021, 234, 113742.
doi: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113742
DOVJAK, M, VENE, O, VAUPOTIČ, J. Analysis of ventilation efficiency as simultaneous control of radon and carbon dioxide levels in indoor air applying transient modelling. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2022, 19, 4, 2125.
doi: http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19042125
KALENDER SMAJLOVIĆ, S, KUKEC, A, DOVJAK, M. The problem of indoor environmental quality at a general Slovenian hospital and its contribution to sick building syndrome. Building and Environment, 2022, 214, 1-13.
doi: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.108908
ZAVRL, E, TOMC, U, EL MANKIBI, M, DOVJAK, M, STRITIH, U. Parametric study of an active-passive system for cooling application in buildings improved with free cooling for enhanced solidification. Sustainable cities and society, 2023, 1-53.